Brighton Automotive Locksmith

The City Locksmith Brighton

We Provide Professional Locksmith Services

We regularly receive calls to people’s homes and perform anything from re-entry to key duplication, see more of our services below!

Car Ignition Repair

If you are experiencing car ignition problems, then you should consider investing in car ignition repair. Be sure to give us a call when you do.

Change Door Locks

If you are driving a pre-owned car, then chances are you will be in possession of a key that could have been duplicated. Call now for an estimate.

Extract Broken Key

Accidents happen. If you’ve ever broken a key off in your car, then you know the struggles of having to try and figure out rides and gaining re-access to your vehicles.

Ignition Change

If you’ve ever owned a car that was a fix-me-up, then you know that you will need to make small to moderate repairs to have it running optimally.

Key Cut

We are the people to help you out! If you are having problems gaining access to your car or you are just worried in general about the access to your vehicle for other people, we can help you out.

Key Replacement

If you are the owner of an older car, then chances are the batteries in your transponder has died and there are some elements of rust on your key or your lock. Call us today.

Keyless Entry

Keyless Entry is the biggest update for cars today. Most people don’t even slip their car into the ignition anymore, and people can even turn their cars on from their phone.

Keyless Remote

Do you have a car and you’ve become used to just using the key instead of your keyless remote? Stop being held back by needing to plug in everything yourself.

Lock Key Services

Everyone will need an automotive locksmith at some point or another. If you are looking for someone to provide the best lock and key services on the market, look no further.

Lock Repair

The locks to a car can be broken through prolonged exposure to foreign elements, having dust and debris penetrating.


If you are locked out of your car, we can send a locksmith to have you regain access to the vehicle in no time at all.

New Car Key

It’s just a matter of fact, these things wear down, and excessive force is all it takes to snap it in two.

Programming Car Keys

If you’ve switched your battery or had any engine stoppage where there was no electrical current, then chances are you will need a new car key to be programmed.

Rekey Locks

If you’ve already recently invested in making new keys and having them programmed to your car, then it might be easier to fit the locks to the keys .

Replacement Key

You broke the previous key, you need a replacement, or maybe the code on the key is just acting up, either way, call us today.

Transponder Key

A transponder is the remote access key for any vehicle. It is the additive key that many recognize for being able to open, lock, and unlock the trunk.

Unlock Trunks

Many people will get locked out of their trunk in time. It’s the lock on your car most susceptible to foreign objects that can jam.

Vats System Keys

VATS stands for Vehicular Anti-Theft System. Every car in America has them right now, and most people don’t even know they have it.

All the services you need, all in one place.

We offer a wide range of services to meet every type of need.

Every minute you spend being locked out of your business is a minute that you aren’t making the profit. Why should you spend your time driving back home to find your keys or calling your employees on their day off to bring you theirs when you can call your local commercial locksmith in Brighton? Save yourself the hassle and give us a call.

Your Business’s security should be your primary concern. If you have ex-employees who previously had key access, or you lack either a CCTV or a Master Key System, then you are opening yourself up to unnecessary vulnerabilities. The best way to remedy this situation is to call us, your local commercial locksmith in Brighton today!

Did you know that installing a CCTV system, replacing the locks on a location, or implementing a master key system are all ways to increase the property value of your commercial location? We are constantly getting requests from new and old businesses alike who are looking for a commercial locksmith in Brighton to do these very services!


Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.
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